By Hank Marquis

Understanding IT Silos

Unlock the Secrets to IT Satisfaction by Learning from Your Digital Employees

Users know the pain our IT solutions cause, but not how to fix it.

Digital employees (aka Users) can't tell us everything. They're experts in the pain our IT solutions cause but not how to make it disappear.

Users will never understand your digital workplace solution better than you do. Nor will you learn everything you need to solve IT satisfaction problems from your Users.

But they know how well it helps them do their job better than you ever will.

It's crucial to adopt their perspective and tap into their point of view—they're experts in how our solutions help them do their job, and we can't forget that!

Can you share any examples or funny stories about what you've learned from your employees that helped you build a better experience?

Please comment or reach out and let me know what you think, I'd love to talk with you!


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